Jesse Harmeyer
Associate Director of Admissions
B.S. in Management of Information Systems, Grace College (2020), M.B.A., Grace College (2020)
What is one thing you own that may seem insignificant to someone else but is important to you?
I have a collection of rubber ducks and each duck holds a special meaning to me; gifts from family, friends, or just finding one!
What is an embarrassing childhood memory?
I used to play the drums in the church’s worship band. During rehearsal one Sunday morning, I accidentally let go of one of my drumsticks and just missed one of the volunteers in the front row! Ever since then, I have not hit anyone with my drum sticks.
If you could join any past or current music group, which one would you choose?
If I had the opportunity to join any music group, I would have to say the Jonas Brothers!
What is the best joke you have ever heard?
You know that rain brings May flowers but do you know what May flowers bring? Pilgrims.