Students complete required items on check-list if not completed online before arriving at Grace. If you did not receive your ID at Orientation, please go to the Library as soon as possible to have one made.
10:00 am
Coffee and Cocoa with Transfer Group
Student Involvement, Indiana Hall
Various Times
Student Academic Advising
•New Students meet with their advisors. Info will be given at the Orientation meeting.
12:00 – 1:00 pm
Lunch with your RA or Commuter Liaison
Alpha Dining
•Commuter students welcome, no meal plan required
1:30 – 2:30 pm
Transfer Student Warsaw/Winona Van Tour
Indiana Hall
•Take a quick drive through Warsaw/Winona to find the best coffee shops, groceries stores, and other helpful places! Meet outside Indiana Hall.
7:00 pm
Transfer Student Game Night
Student Involvement, Indiana Hall
•Join the transfer liaison for board games and snacks.