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October 20, 2022

Grace College Welcomes Brant Hansen to Chapel

Grace College will welcome Brant Hansen to campus for chapel at the Manahan Orthopedic Capital Center, 610 Wooster Rd., Winona Lake, on Friday, Oct. 28, 10:30 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. The chapel service is free and open to the public.

Hansen is an author, radio host and advocate for healing children with correctable disabilities through CURE International. He addresses issues of public policy, culture, sports, faith and Asperger’s Syndrome, with which he has been diagnosed.

Hansen has spoken at Grace College’s chapel multiple times before, most recently at Grace’s What’s Next Day, which allows high school students with disabilities to explore post-graduation options.

“During his two-day visit, Brant not only challenged and inspired our guests, he made a great impact on our student body in a campus-wide chapel,” said Dr. Cheryl Bremer, dean of the School of Education. “Since that time, Brant has been cited by students as one of the best chapel speakers to come to Grace.”

Hansen has written about topics such as forgiveness, feeling God’s presence and God’s idea of a manly man. His podcast with radio producer Sherri Lynn has been downloaded more than 10 million times. He continues to promote CURE so that children can have access to life-changing surgeries.

To learn more about Brant Hansen and his work, go to