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March 29, 2023

Grace College Mediation Team Competes in Italy Over Spring Break

Grace College’s record-setting mediation team recently returned from its debut performance at the InterNational Academy of Dispute Resolution’s (INADR) International Law School Mediation Tournament, in Bologna, Italy. The competition, hosted by the University of Bologna, welcomed 40 teams from around the world. Grace College’s mediation team made it to the semi-final round of the competition and placed 8th overall.

“At the conference, the team was able to network with some of the finest lawyers and mediators in the world,” said Dr. Mark Norris, mediation coach and dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Grace. “Excellent law schools are already headhunting our students because of their award-winning status in mediation competitions. I was very impressed with the way our undergraduate students carried themselves competing against law school students.”

In addition to the team’s success, Hannah Mast, a political science and psychology double major from Honeyville, Indiana, competed in the semi-finals individually as a mediator.

“Competing in the semi-finals gave me that final boost of certainty that this is what I want to do with my life,” said Mast. “I am grateful for the opportunity to perform at the law school level as an undergraduate team. I couldn’t be more proud of everything we have accomplished.”

Grace’s mediation team stayed in Bologna, Italy, for ten days. When the team wasn’t competing or networking at the conference, they took day trips to Venice and Florence to experience the art, history and culture of Italy.

According to Mast, being on the mediation team has been beneficial not only professionally but also personally.

“This team has provided so many positive experiences and taught me how to be a vessel of versatility when faced with high-stress situations,” said Mast. “In mediation, I have learned how to meet my own needs effectively while also meeting the needs of an opposing party by posing a mutually beneficial solution. This is a valuable skill I will use in my professional and personal life.”

For more information on the Grace College Mediation Team, contact Dr. Mark Norris at To learn more about the pre-law minor at Grace, visit

Photo: Grace College mediation team (left to right): Jamall Smith,  Bianca Jimenez-Ortiz, Hannah Mast, Sydney Victa and Dr. Mark Norris in Venice, Italy.