So what jobs can you get with an accounting degree?
Accounting is a diverse field with many opportunities. Accounting graduates could become a business advisor, a manager, or a corporate accountant. They could also work in banking and investments or even for the FBI.
“Everyone needs accountants,” said Penrod. “There are tons of paid internship opportunities. A lot of students choose accounting because of the job and financial security.”
Part of being an accounting major is figuring out what type of accounting you want to do as your career. Real-world application of the skills you practice in class is important. A great way to do this is through internships.
For Penrod, this looked like completing an internship this past spring with DOZ preparing tax returns for affordable housing clients. During her internship, she was able to apply what she learned in class about the low-income housing tax credit.
“I loved seeing the connections between what I learned in class and what I did in my internship. I could look at a statement and say, ‘I learned this in class!’”
Penrod will decide this fall which company she wants to work with after she graduates with her bachelor’s degree in accounting. She offers this encouragement to any student wondering if accounting is a good fit for them. “It’s not going to be easy, but the hard work pays off and it’s rewarding.”
If you’ve ever wondered what do accounting majors do, now you know!