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The Joust: Igniting Competition Through Campus Activities

Grace College offers unique campus activities through our Joust Tradition. Join the Lancers in their college experience and learn more.

Grace College is all about fostering a close community through campus activities. To see what we mean, look no further than the Joust, an annual campus-wide tournament filled with competition and fun events. Not only does the event inspire competition and team pride, but it unifies the campus and prepares students for finals week.

The Joust begins on Thursday afternoon with events such as a pie eating contest, the “Ring by Spring Race,” and an arm wrestling competition. That night, students gather in McClain auditorium for the opening ceremonies, which include a flag design and nugget eating contest.

Each team chooses a theme based on its team color. For example, this year, the Blue Team dressed up as Pirates of the Caribbean characters, while the Red Team modeled their flag on Lightning McQueen from Cars.

Grace College offers unique campus activities through our Joust Tradition. Join the Lancers in their college experience and learn more.

From singing to card games, the Joust includes activities for every student. Those who participate earn points for their team based on which place they win. Even those who don’t compete come out to cheer, support, and watch the entertaining events. The Joust continues until the closing ceremony on Sunday night.

Students were heavily involved in this year’s Joust, enjoying the abundance of events. In the end, the final score came down to the wire. The Blue Team barely beat out the Red Team to become the 2024 Joust champions, with the Yellow Team and Green Team following in third and fourth place.

Joust participants loved the weekend events and the opportunity to spend time with friends. According to Blue Team captain Brayden Kunz, one highlight occurred during Saturday night’s game of capture the flag. The event, which transpired outside Indiana Hall, lasted several hours and involved a large portion of campus.

Grace College offers unique campus activities through our Joust Tradition. Join the Lancers in their college experience and learn more.

“I really enjoyed being able to hang out with people I don’t always get to be around,” said Kunz.

The Joust is just one example of Grace’s school spirit. Whether you’re an incoming freshman or beginning your senior year, you’ll find a wealth of campus activities in which to participate. 

We recommend that you keep your weekend clear during the Joust weekend each year – you don’t want to miss out on the variety of campus activities. They’re what make or break your college experience!

Learn more about the Joust and other Grace traditions, and explore admissions at Grace College.

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