The most important step towards true classroom excellence is to love your students as they are. In doing this, it is important to practice humility. Don’t be above advice and suggestion. Be patient. Give your students ample time to master topics. Their respect and love for you will develop naturally if you love them for who they are.
As you exemplify love for your students, promote enthusiasm. Just like the yawns that escape the mouths of disinterested students, enthusiasm is contagious. Through humility, patience, and enthusiasm, that healthy and unique love between student and teacher is unavoidable.
Weaving together this stunning fabric of teaching, loving, and learning, you are bound to find yourself with a beautiful tapestry of skills and expertise. And when all else fails, remember to consider students’ needs above personal needs.
“…in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” In any field, there is an opportunity to shine the light of Christ by humbly loving those around us. Love these students, and love them well.